I’m busy working on the next book in the Time Machine Girls series called Failures, and I’m finding that it’s hitting pretty close to home for me. In the book, the girls travel through time to visit Thomas Edison, on the day when he finally succeeded in making a light bulb […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
13 posts
My book has been out for a couple weeks now, and I’m really surprised by how many people have actually bought/borrowed it. I didn’t do any advertising yet, so I’m shocked (and humbled) that even one person found it! Anyway, I wrote this story because I have three girls (and I […]
I’m just going to admit it — I’m messing up all over the place. As a new author, I had no idea all the things I needed to do. My book Time Machine Girls was up and running, and I didn’t even have any front or back matter in there. […]